How lucky we actually are! Having a full wardrobe of clo�es we use some of �em to protect ourselves from �e rain, some of �em protect us from �e wind, some keep us safe from hot temperatures and some from cold. Our soft clo�es even accompany us to sleep. We are not as lucky due to possessing so many clo�es as we are lucky to be living in an age of developed chemical industries giving life to �ese fabrics. Can you imagine �at, if not for �ese technologies, our raincoat and our nightshirt would bo� be made from �e same material? We believe we have been lucky �ere since 1985. As long as 20 years has GENK�M been pushing �e limits to �e best of our efforts. Because customer sat��faction is our primary objective we opened two branches: in Denizli in 1996 and in �orlu in 2003 in order to sat��fy local customer demands in a shorter time. In 1995 we established a comprehensive laboratory to conduct our R & D and quality control works. Attaching great importance to research and development we carry out quality control at every step by reaching required results during necessary laboratory tests. We are most proud of �e environmental friendliness of our products used by �e people. Our objective is to match our customers� expectations in a fast an efficient way and to reach total quality by starting wi� individual quality. In order to guarantee continuously reliable economical manufacture conditions for our customers we continuously conduct development and renewal works wi� our staff. Developing new products is a time- consuming process requiring a great deal of effort in many respects. Already today we are working on �e products for tomorrow. We carry on developing and improving specific products instead of settling for �e ordinary. We maintain �e high qualification of our staff by attaching great importance to human resources and training. We encourage our employees� education in quality policies, quality awareness, motivation and participation in all kinds of activities. First of all, we keep close tabs on �e developing technologies and apply modifications to all of our units in conformity wi� �ese developments. As a result we increase our quality standard targeting customer sat��faction. As a company wi� modern establishments, we are proud of offering you �e best service at a good price, a good quality, in �e right time wi� our wide product range.