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Company No:25462 Image No-004- ; 

**** KLYKIT ÇITÇIT MAKYNASI Full otomatik elektronik donanymly iki hazneden olu?an klikyt çytçyt makinesi 2 makineden olu?ur. Di?i ve erkek olarak adlandyrylmy? olup kalynlyk ve ince ayarlary lazer göstergeli yüksek performans kolay çaly?ma çene sistemleri tüm unsurlar dü?ünülerek tasarlanmy?tyr. 1 yyl mekanik ve 2 yyl elektronik garantilidir. 24 saat servis hizmetimiz ücretsizdir. - Full otomatik - 380 volt 0,37 kw motor 1400 dd. - Trefaze kullanym elektrik fi?i - % 1/7,25 tahvil rediktör - Manyetik fren - Elektronik kart - Gösterge y?yklary ve elektrik panosu - 1,5 kw akym çekme gücü - Çakma yerini gösteren lazer y?yk - 1000 kg darbe gücü - Neme ve darbeye kar?y elektrostatik boya - Laminat kaplamaly mdf sehpa - Ebatlar 90 cm x 40 cm x 145 cm - A?yrlyk 85 kg

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»You could publish all types of raw material, semi-finishing, finishing products etc you use in the production (for example yarn, fabric, accesory, packing materials and all types of consumables) in buying advertisements section of free of charge by indicating your consumed amounts. Therefore, you could have the possibility of cost reduction as per offers incoming to your company.

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