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Company No:13896 Image No-004- ; 

Tekstil YIkama & Taşlama MakinalarI Tekstil Kurutma MakinalarI Tekstil SIkma MakinalarI KrinkIl MakinasI Konveyörlü FIrIn Kurutma FIrInI Sulu Robot Rodeo, FIrça, ZImpara, Kumlama MakinalarI Ozon Jeneratörü Tekstil KimyasallarI Endüstriyel ÇamaşIrhane MakinalarI

Çağrı Makina san. tic. ltd. şti. , programlanabilir bilgisayar kontrollu veya manuel olarak kumanda edilebilen denim ve parça boyama, ağartma, yIkama, taş yIkama, kurutma, sIkma ve ütü makinalarI üretmektedir. Bunun yanInda ÇağrI Makina Endüstri ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi, Endüstriyel Mutfak ekipmanlarI ve ÇamaşIrhane makinalarI üretmektedir.

Attention to Industry Members

»You could publish all types of raw material, semi-finishing, finishing products etc you use in the production (for example yarn, fabric, accesory, packing materials and all types of consumables) in buying advertisements section of free of charge by indicating your consumed amounts. Therefore, you could have the possibility of cost reduction as per offers incoming to your company.

You will have possibility of openning new horizons to your company as free of charge in all your industrial related search by publishing your company introduction in english, by linking to your web site in the publishing in english. Also same oppotunity by publishing your overseas inquiries and offers in our classified advertisement section.

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