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Advertisement No:215206 İmage No-00196750- ;
From Serbia offers for garment factory issuing under the rent or Partnership offers
Garment factory for rent in Serbia, Garment factory for rent in Serbia, We
can do in partnership
From Serbia offers for garment factory issuing under the rent or
Partnership offers
Ref No- 13112019JKS
Great opportunity for those who want to run garment manufacturing in Serbia
, Famous American businessman , of Serbian origin . The garment factory
has been purchased completely from the state and wants this factory put
into production , suggests 2 options for this activation ,
- Option 1 - Give the complete garment factory with the machine for
rent a price negotiable ,
- Option 2 - Complete garment factory with the machine to activate
like Partnership
Which of these 2 options will suit you try us via Phone number or email
address , for any formal arrangement , you need to come to Serbia for an
negotiation and to inspect the factory , well help for that . Details of
the factory have been sent as a complete contact with us after reviewing