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Advertisement No:128596 İmage No-00106559- ;
Karl Mayer knitting machines will be sold
We have available for sale the below Warp knitting and circular knitting machinery, subject to prior sale :
A ) 1 X RJSC 4F- NE 230 , 24E , 82000 , 1996
B ) 1 X RJSC 4F- NE 130 , 24E , 75000+ , 1990
C ) 2 X Karl Mayer Warper , Type : GSP 50 ( 30 x 50 ) , Nr : 1510 , These machines can support beams width :up to 50" and flange diameter up to 30" .
with complete 1200 ends creel and full accessories in complete condition .
D ) ALUCOLOR (Made in Germany) BEAMS SIZE: 21 X 21