Firma Tanıtım Sayfası
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33893 - htc textil

Firma Ürün ve Hizmet Çeşitleri;

Bulgaristanda 2002 y & #305; l & #305; ndan bu yana Ra & #351; el ürünler imal veihrac eden firmam & #305; z, ürünlerini Türkiye ve Avrupa pazar & #305; na sunmaktad & #305; r. Talep edilmesi durumunda fason çal & #305; & #351; abiliriz.
dantel, koruma filesi, çuval, bal & #305; k a & #287; & #305; üretmekteyiz

Firma No : NTX 33893 - RESİM 1

Firma Faaliyet Alanları ;

HTC Textile. has begun to produce fabrics in 2002 in Bulgaria. At present HTC Textile continues producing Raschel kniting fabrics. Interested in home textile HTC Textile also produces lace and middle lace. Our firm can product with any kind of thread such as cotton, viscolin, acryilic, etc. Rasel orme follows up the quick changeable technologies and fashion of the world. At the same time HTC Textile continues searching and improving searches about the new products.

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Refernas Başlık İl/Ülke İlan Tarihi

Mustafa Kemal Paşa Mahallesi Yıldırım Beyazıt Caddesi Demet Sokak No 135/11
Avcılar / İSTANBUL
Tel:0553 951 31 34
0506 909 54 19
[email protected]