Slovenyalı ithalatçı firma 0 - 3 yaş arası naturel ( organik ) çocuk giysileri almak istiyor DiKKAT !! iLAN SAHiBi iLE YAZIŞMA DiLi iNGiLiZCEDiR
Faaliyet : Sell of organic products
Mesaj : Dear sir or madam! In the beginning of year 2009 we are planning to open the online shop for natural products for infants aged 0 - 3 years. At the start we will be selling products in market of Slovenia and later also in Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Italy, Austria and rest of the EU. We will offer different natural products like all kind of natural clothing, food, cosmetics, diapers, toys, mattresses ... We seeking the companies which are producing organic products for children. If you are interested in cooperation we would like to ask you if you can send as a catalog of all your products with retail prices. We estimate that first year we will sell somewhere between 10,000 to 20,000 products. We will order around 2.000 different pieces per month. We would also like to know your wholesale terms and conditions, like delivery, minimum supplies etc. Please inform as if it is possible to get some samples of your products. With best regards,