UKRAYNADAN STOLL TRiKO MAKiNALARI TALEBi Aşağıda belirtilen özelliklerde Stol triko dokuma makinelerinizle ilgili teknik detay ve Stoll örme makinalarınızla ilgili resimler gönderilmesi isteniyor
DiKKAT !!! iLAN SAHiBi iLE YAZIŞMA DiLi iNGiLiZCEDiR I am privat businessman from Ukraine. And I am saler sewing equipments and others.
Now my client have interest buy used to ready flat knitting machine STOLL next model:
1) Моdel: 433.6 ST 611, ST 711, ST 811 classes 5,7,12
2) Моdel 422 ST 611, ST711, ST 811 classes 5,7,12
3) Моdel 330.6 - compact
All machines must be not older 1994 - 1997 years.
Please send your commercial offer, photo, year production and additional cjditions for payment and other.